The publication of an Event's Proceedings can differentiate your event in terms of academic importance, which is why Even3 makes the process of producing your publications practical.
To purchase the Online Proceedings module, access the menu Submissions > Publishing. |
Now let's go to the set up!
Accessing the Proceedings' set up
To view the checklist of all the information that needs to be filled in to request publication, follow the instructions below:
On the organizer's area, click Submissions; Then click Publishing. |
Filling out the information
You will start with filling out the Basic Information:
- ISBN or ISSN: Indicate whether you already have one or would like to order one of the two prefixes.
Even3 tip: In case you don't have an editorial prefix (ISBN or ISSN), Even3 will provide you with one! Understand more about the prefixes: editorial prefix: ISBN or ISSN? |
Fill out the remaining information: Title of the Proceedings, Location, Language, Number and Year of the edition, Theme and Organizer.
On the Basic information tab, fill out the information and save. |
Now, it is time to inform who was involved on the organization of the event! It's what we know as Editorial Board.
On the Editorial Board tab, fill out the information and save. |
On the Presentation area, you can add texts, images and videos to present the works of your online publication on the site, as an introduction of sorts. You could add a short excerpt about what the event was about and the subjects of the papers in that area, for example.
On the Presentation tab, fill out the information and save. |
It's always nice to be available to other publishers and readers, for example. With a view to making contact between the publisher and the reader even closer, we have created the Contact area, where you can leave a phone number or e-mail address.
On the Contact tab, fill out the information and save them. |
On this Selection of paper tab, you will select the papers that will be published, which may be:
- All approved papers
- All papers approved and presented
And you can check the option to request full papers from the authors.
Even3 Tip: Know more about how to set up which works will go to the Proceedings and request from authors the complete papers for the proceedings. |
On the tab Selection of paper, fill out the information and save. |
Your publication can also be customized with a cover image. To add this featured image, simply go to Featured Image and click Fill out. You can then choose between an image you already have and one that Even3 offers.
Go to Featured Image, on the Request tab, and click Fill out to attach the image. |
To finish, go back to the Request tab and note that the checklist has been filled in and the Request generation of the proceedings button is available. After clicking it, our team will receive a notification and will proceed with the publishing.
Proceedings can take up to 30 days to be ready. You will get an email from our team when your event's Proceedings are ready to be published. |
Go back to Request and click on Request generation of the Proceedings. |
Previewing the Proceedings
Now it's possible to preview the page of the Proceedings before publishing them, this feature can be interesting for organizers to check if any paper or article needs any adjustment.
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