When releasing submissions you can set some restrictions to help you organize your event.
Restrictions can be of three types:
- Who can submit
- Submissions limit
- Number of authors per submission
In this article we will explain how this flow works in Even3 and the types of restrictions we have. To access the restrictions screen, you must follow the steps below:
Edit restrictions.
Restriction #1 - Who can submit
In this type of restriction, you will set who can submit papers to your event. There are 4 options available. They are:
- No restriction, all attendees can submit works
- The paper can only be submitted if the main author is registered for the event
- The paper can only be submitted if at least one of the authors is registered for the event
- The paper can only be submitted if all authors are registered for the event
The system recognizes the person who submits the work on the platform as the main author. |
Restriction #2 - Submissions limit
In this restriction, the number of submissions that an attendee can be linked to will be defined. It is divided into 3 types:
- Unlimited, people can submit as many works as they want
- Limit the number of submissions a person can perform
- Limit the number of submission a person can be linked to
Restriction #3 - Restriction of number of authors per submission
In this restriction, the maximum number of authors that a submission can have will be defined.
Note in the image below that if I set the limit to 5, Thamyres will only be able to add 4 more co-authors to her paper.
That is, this limit considers both the main author and the co-authors.
If you do not want to set an exact amount for authors per paper, simply leave the field blank.
Don't forget to save!
After these changes, you must click on Save restrictions and that's it, your event will be with the restrictions in place!
Now what? Now that you already know how to set up the submission limit per participant on your event, how about checking out other possible settings of that menu? Set up my event's submissions |
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